很多人喜欢在室内养花,改善和美化室内环境,专家指出,人们在室内摆几盆花草有益健康,但如果选择花卉不当或摆放不当,反而会造成室内污染,对人体的健康不利。因此,养花时应注意以下几点: 选择好品种 有些花卉能吸收空气中一定浓度的有毒气体,如二氧化硫、氮氧化物、甲醛、氯化氢等。茶花、仙客来、紫罗兰、晚香玉、凤仙花、牵牛花、石竹等通过叶片可以吸收毒性很强的
Many people like to raise flowers in the house to improve and beautify the interior environment. Experts point out that people are willing to put potted plants in the house for good health. However, if flowers are improperly chosen or placed improperly, they will cause indoor pollution and adversely affect human health. Therefore, flowers should pay attention to the following points: Select a good variety Some flowers can absorb certain concentrations of toxic gases in the air, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde, hydrogen chloride and so on. Camellia, Cyclamen, Violets, Tuberose, Impatiens, Morning Glory, Dianthus and so on can absorb highly toxic leaves