长江三峡中的第二大支流香溪河,因汉明妃王昭君洗手而溢香不绝。千百年来,它从西陵峡口汇入长江,带着美丽的传说,辗转缠绵,日夜流淌…… 溪河两岸,山明水秀,一步一景,那沿溪而绿的橘林,尤其令人难以忘怀。 我的家就在溪河岸边的橘林深处,我是嗅着橘树的花香,品着橘树的果实,听着橘叶的吟唱,与橘树一道长大的。 在没有离开家乡之前,我最感惬意的事,就是在春光明媚的时候,坐在橘林
The second largest tributary of the Three Gorges in the Xiangxi River, due to Hanming Fei Wang Zhaojun wash their hands and overflowing incense. For thousands of years, it flows from the Xiling Gap into the Yangtze River, with beautiful legends, rolling and lingering, day and night flowing ... ... Both sides of the river, beautiful mountains and rivers, one step at a time, that along the green and orange forest, especially Unforgettable. My home is in the depths of the orange grove on the bank of the river. I sniff the orange flower, the fruit of the orange tree, the singing of the orange leaf, and I grew up with the orange tree. Before I left my hometown, my favorite thing to do was to sit in the orange grove