头发花白却精神矍铄,喜欢热辣的红色,开超Q的SMART。会在66号公路上开快车,不为拉风,只是希望赶紧脱离那荒无人烟的寂寞。当然,哪怕是被迫的狂飙,她也会比国人更加谨慎,SUE的加速是会提前检查刹车。Sue Caple是拉文大学市场经济学教授,家在南加州,有一个儿子,一个女儿,还有一个孙女。她喜欢做讲解员,为远足爱好者讲解进山路径及注意事项,会在媒体大肆渲染的加州著名66号公路上开快车。不是血脉喷张,性格使然,而是那里道路空旷有时深处荒郊野外,所以,人们不得不开得很快,当然开快车是以刹车系统良好为前提的。或者,跟我们脑海中的概念有一点差别吧。她购买第一辆车是旧款的奥迪,在她24岁的时候。当时她还没有孩子,车子的空间完全够用。刚刚从事市场营销工作的她,也是刚刚到特拉华州不久,还有一颗年轻的心,非常想要进步。在那个阶段,品牌和外观她认为最重要。买第一辆车时,正好赶上美
Gray hair but energetic, like hot red, open Q-SMART. Highway 66 will be on the fast car, not pull the wind, but hoping to get rid of the deserted loneliness. Of course, even if it is forced hurricane, she will be more cautious than the country people, SUE acceleration will check the brakes ahead of time. Sue Caple is Professor of Market Economics at the University of Lavan and has a son, a daughter, and a granddaughter in Southern California. She likes to be a guide, explain hiking paths and notes for hikers, and drive fast on the prestigious California State Route 66. It is not an exaggeration of blood and personality, but there is an open and sometimes empty road in the wilderness, so people have to drive fast, of course, driving fast is based on a good braking system. Or, with the concept of our mind a little bit different. The first car she bought was the older Audi, when she was 24 years old. At that time she had no children, the space of the car was enough. Just engaged in marketing her, but also just arrived in Delaware soon, there is a young heart, very much want to progress. At that stage, the brand and appearance she considered the most important. When I bought the first car, it just happened to catch up with the United States