一种积极的心理素质, 能产生巨大的精神力量,激 励人奋发向上,开拓创新。哈 尔滨市东兴铸造材料厂厂长 侯丕清用这样的心里品质培 养了自己独特的人格魅力, 铸造了企业成功。侯丕清 1955年生人,自小在农村田 梗上长大,二十多岁时就表 现出与众不同的个性,凡事 总愿跑在前面,张张罗罗,不 怕操心,也不知累,很快在全 村脱颖而出,被选为村长。这 村长一干就是十年,成为村 民致富的“领头雁”。1992年,
A positive psychological quality, can produce tremendous spiritual power, motivate people to make progress, pioneering and innovative. Dongxing, director of Harbin Dongxing Casting Material Factory, has cultivated his own unique charisma with such a heart-shaped quality and molded the enterprise’s success. Hou Pi-ching, born in 1955, grew up in rural fields and grew up in his twenties. He showed his distinctive personality in his twenties and always wanted to run in front. Zhang Luo Luo was not afraid to worry about, nor tired, The village come to the fore, was elected as village chief. This village cadre is ten years, become the villagers get rich “lead goose.” 1992,