A Tropical Paradise in Sanya

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boycant
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  Located on a private inlet named Sunny Bay, a mere five-kilometre drive from the popular Yalong Bay, Park Hyatt Sanya Sunny Bay Resort is designed to resemble a private mansion by the sea. Its sophisticated and elegant interiors are residential in style with a subtle Chinese sensibility. At Park Hyatt Sanya Sunny Bay Resort, enriching experiences and unexpected pleasures await. It is dedicated to providing warm, discreet and dignified services and transforming simple moments into lasting memories.
  Enjoyable rest and dining experiences
  At Park Hyatt Sanya Sunny Bay Resort, you will revel in the harmony of thoughtfully considered details: stunning architectures crafted with unique characteristics and culture of tropical Hainan, meaningful interiors by world-renowned designers, and expertly curated art collections. Most of its guestrooms are blessed with unadulterated and breathtaking views of the sea from panoramic windows, further extended by perpendicular mirrored glass, creating the impression of a 270-degree view. These comfortable rooms offer you a delightful and personal space.
  Besides, the culinary team will prepare unique and memorable dining experiences for you, such as champagne breakfast on the beach, a family barbecue in your villa or sunset supper on a yacht. World-class chefs and sommeliers use local ingredients to make one-of-a-kind menus and wine pairings with their talents and personal styles, expressing the art of dining. You are also welcome to order the menu or request bespoke dishes — eating whenever you want and dining wherever you like — as relaxed and free as you might be at home.
  Exploring the mysterious world
  Baifu Bay near the resort offers one of the best diving conditions in China. With crystal-blue waters featuring visibility down to ten meters, as well as a host of coral reefs, tropical fish and exotic shells, the entire area is recognized by nature-protection organizations as a national soft-coral preserve. Children can experience the child snorkeling to explore the mysterious marine life, or start a sea tour with parents to see the amazing beauty of the sea. Diving underwater, you are exactly integrated with the sea and enchanted with the harmonious scene of flora and fauna, like a fish swimming in water freely.
  Nestled at the foot of Nanshan Mountain and facing the spectacular sea, Nanshan Buddhism Cultural Tourism Zone was built in 1988 to commemorate the Buddhism in China. With an area of 40,000 square meters, the temple features architecture replicas of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Buddhist temples and a 108-meter, three-sided Kwan-Yin Buddha statue. You can worship Buddha with incenses to convey your deep reverence for nature, and also to pray for health and wealth. Whatever your good willingness is, you will feel the refreshment in your soul and body.
A mysterious valley with mesmerizing and transparent green waters lies in somewhere in China. You will find soaring mountains, roaring waterfalls, deep canyons, and meandering subterranean rivers ther
在广西西北部与贵州交界处,乐业县坐落于此。在乐业县的最中心处,方圆不到20平方公里的崇山峻岭深处,潜藏着这个星球上最大的天坑群——乐业天坑群。大石围天坑、神木天坑、穿洞天坑……大大小小几十个形态各异的岩溶深渊藏匿其中,犹如古时尚未出嫁的少女,藏于深闺人不知,却又各是壮丽秀美,姿态万千。  鬼斧神工,不可名状的天坑奇迹  天坑,在地质学中学名为“喀斯特漏斗”。在乐业地区,地质大都为碳酸盐岩,常年充沛
竹子的特殊结构,赋予了其与任何气息都能产生美妙乐声的能力,从古至今,盛产竹子的地方都出现了许多竹制乐器。一根普通的竹子经过不一样的加工后,横吹成笛,竖吹成箫,独奏犹如空闻天籁之音。  在印尼,同样有种用竹子制成的竹筒琴,叫做昂格隆,它被誉为民族团结的象征。比起箫声、笛声里一腔乐音独鸣的空寂,昂格隆演奏出来的声音空灵中又不乏热闹恢弘的感觉,这是因为一个昂格隆仅有一个音高,成百上千个昂格隆所汇成的音乐
Festival Loaded With Good Desires  Celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month by the lunar calendar, people of several ethnic groups throughout China, especially in the middle and lower reaches of
第30届东南亚运动会在菲开幕  11月30日晚,第30届东南亚运动会在位于布拉干省的菲律宾竞技场开幕,赛事将持续到12月11日。8000多名运动员在半个月的时间内,在位于吕宋岛马尼拉等多个城市的近40个体育场馆,展开56类大项、530个小项的争夺。  泰国美食研究院在曼谷成立  11月29日,泰国美食研究院成立仪式在曼谷举行。该研究院由泰国高等学府朱拉隆功大学泰国研究院与知名泰拳国际比赛主办公司
“春来,水满田畴;夏至,佳禾吐翠;金秋,稻穗沉甸;隆冬,雪兆丰年。”提起广西龙胜各族自治县,人们总说这里的一年四时因梯田多了一份动人心弦的魅力,而在这片土地上铸造风景的人们,更是旅行中不可错过的人文风景线。  稻谷和少数民族风情在广西的土地上总是能绽放出生命的流光溢彩,在龙胜的十多个少数民族中,几乎每个民族都有着关于水稻的传说故事。其中,壮族先民和红瑶人家中流传的故事让人们更多了解了这片梯田的久远
“我平生从未见过如此绮丽的景色。如果《创世纪》的作者曾看见这里的美景,将会把亚当和夏娃的诞生地放在这里……”20世纪20年代,美籍奥地利植物学家约瑟夫·洛克来到了甘肃甘南藏族自治州迭部县的扎尕那,在为《国家地理》杂志供稿之余,给中国这座西北古城写下了这样一段话。  崇山峻岭中的“世外桃源”  甘肃南部的甘南藏族自治州迭部县,坐落于青藏高原的昆仑山脉与黄土高原秦岭山脉汇合处。在中国地势三级阶梯的第一
“地摊经济、小店经济是就业岗位的重要来源,是人间的烟火,和‘高大上’一样,是中国的生机。”中国国务院总理李克强2020年6月1日上午考察山东烟台一处老旧小区时如是说道。  政策的东风加上总理的讲话,让“地摊经济”瞬间刷屏,城市也因此多了几分“烟火气”。在东南亚国家,地摊更是当地的常态,是游客们的心头好。随着东南亚各国新冠肺炎疫情不断得到有效控制,各大城市开始逐步解封,那熙熙攘攘的夜市地摊也渐渐回归
Why do you have to be such a cute idiot!  注定可見的是被照亮之物而非光  我总和人说,东南亚之所以那么吸引我,是因为它凌乱却依然瑰丽。你不会知道下一个巷子有多少种颜色,也不知道下一片树叶是什么纹理。它是最具感官刺激的一方世界——从视觉到触觉到味觉,无时无刻不在调动你的身体,使你融入它,或让它融入你。  其实我更想做到后者,但终归还是只能以游客视角去感受其中
远离曼谷喧嚣繁华的清迈是泰国北部一朵温柔且娇艳的玫瑰,在这座古城里,泰北人用建筑构造世人所向往的三餐四季和慢悠悠的清迈生活。旅人踏着风尘而来,在多重屋檐、歇山式房顶、柚木建筑等建筑细节中邂逅13世纪的兰纳王国风情,感受泰北人的闲散和安逸。  清迈古城北边的湄萍河沿岸,一座以旧时兰纳王国生活方式为灵感设计建造而成的隐世度假村——拉雅文化酒店(Raya Heritage)在朴实无华的凡尘间备受好评,建