1.最早的第一种计算工具—— 算筹,是中国发明的,约在公元前一 千多年前,在公元六世纪算筹转变为 算盘。 2.第一把计算尺是1620年英国 E·冈特发明的,是一种直线式对数计算尺。 3.第一台能进行加减运算的机械计算机是法国B·帕斯卡1642年发明的,利用齿轮进行转动。 4.第一个发明二进制的逻辑代数的是英国G·布尔,布尔代数后来成为电子计算机硬件和软件设计的基础。
1. The first calculation tool, the first one, was invented by China. It was about a thousand years before BC and was converted into an abacus in the sixth century AD. 2. The first slide rule was invented by E Gunter, England in 1620. It is a linear logarithmic slide rule. 3. The first mechanical computer that can perform addition and subtraction was invented in France in 1642 by Pascal B. The use of gears for rotation. 4. The first logical algebra to invent binary is the British G. Boolean, which later became the basis for the design of electronic computer hardware and software.