《中国海关》:2000年4月底,国务院批准设立出口加工区并选择部分地区进行试点。请您介绍一下两年来的试点情况。 赵光华:经过两年多的建设和发展目前经国务院批准的出口加工区已达到25个。根据各地经济发展状况,出口加工区近70%(17个)设在沿海地区,中部和西部地区各占15%(各4个),布局比较合理,虽以沿海地区为主,但在内陆省会城市、沿江开放城市和边境开放城市也都设有出
“China Customs”: At the end of April 2000, the State Council approved the establishment of export processing zones and selected some areas for pilot projects. Please tell us about the pilot for two years. Zhao Guanghua: After more than two years of construction and development, the number of export processing zones approved by the State Council has now reached 25. According to the economic development in each region, nearly 70% (17) of the EPZs are located in the coastal areas, with 15% (4 in each) in the central and western regions. The layout is reasonable. Although mainly in the coastal areas, inland Capital cities, open cities along the Yangtze River and open border cities are also provided