科教兴国 任重道远 水泥砼科技工作者面临的挑战与机会

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1995年5月召开全国科技大会,党和政府向全国发出“科技兴国”的号召,对全体科学技术工作者寄托殷切的期望。十多年来我国经济发展迅速,但是经济增长得力于科学技术进步的却不多。据经济界的分析,在发达国家,经济增长中生产要素(如投入、资源、能源、劳动力)的贡献率约为50%,其余50%是靠科技进步。而我国现在的情况是前者约占75%,科技进步贡献率只有25%左右。因此投入、料耗、能耗、劳力均高于发达国家,尤其对环境的破坏,常带来不可估量的损失。即以水泥工业为例,1994年产量超过4亿吨,约为美国或日本的5倍。总产量的80%强是小水泥,质量较低,但投入、料耗、能耗、劳力均不少于等量的优质水泥。水泥生产造成环境污染,尤为严重。由于燃烧和碳酸钙分解产生 In May 1995, the National Science and Technology Conference was convened. The party and government sent a nationwide call for “science and technology to rejuvenate the country,” and sent ardent expectations to all scientific and technical workers. For more than a decade, China’s economy has developed rapidly, but there have been few economic growths that have contributed to the progress of science and technology. According to the analysis of the economic community, in developed countries, the contribution rate of production factors (such as inputs, resources, energy, and labor) in economic growth is about 50%, and the remaining 50% depends on scientific and technological progress. The current situation in China is that the former accounts for about 75%, and the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress is only about 25%. Therefore, investment, material consumption, energy consumption, and labor are all higher than in developed countries, and the destruction of the environment in particular often brings incalculable losses. That is, taking the cement industry as an example, the output in 1994 exceeded 400 million tons, which is about 5 times that of the United States or Japan. The 80% of the total output is strong and the quality is low, but the investment, material consumption, energy consumption, and labor are not less than the same amount of high-quality cement. Cement production causes environmental pollution, especially serious. Due to combustion and decomposition of calcium carbonate
一、推行精益生产方式势在必行 多年来,我厂对CA6140系列产品一直采用成批生产方式,即:以国家指令性计划及市场预测为依据,制定出年度生产计划大纲,再以此为依据,制定出生产
该厂位于浙江西部风景秀丽的乌溪江畔,是巨化集团公司下属的大型氯碱企业,现有职工2500人,固定资产净值1.5亿元,厂区占地26万m~2,主导产品烧碱生产能力10万t/a。 Located o
南宁化学工业集团公司2000t/a硬质PVC管材生产线最近建成投产。产品质量符合国家标准。 硬质PVC管材是我国80年代开始推广应用的以塑代钢产品,它具有阻燃、防腐蚀、抗老化性