
来源 :老年教育(书画艺术) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stupid199001
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山水画的意境画山水,最重要的问题是“意境”。意境,是山水画的灵魂。什么是意境?我认为,意境就是景与情的结合。写景就是写情。山水画不是地理、自然环境的说明和图解,不用说,它当然要求包括自然地理的准确性,但更重要的还是表现人对自然的思想感情,见景生情,景与情要结合。如果片面追求自然科学的一面,画花、画鸟都会成为死的标本,画风景也缺乏情趣,没有画意,自己就不曾感动,当然更感动不了别人。 Landscape painting landscape painting landscape, the most important issue is “mood ”. Artistic conception is the soul of landscape painting. What is artistic conception? In my opinion, artistic conception is the combination of scenery and love. Write the scene is to write love. Needless to say, it certainly requires the accuracy of natural geography, but more importantly, it shows the human being’s thoughts and emotions of nature, see the combination of King’s feelings, scenes and emotions. If one-sided pursuit of the natural sciences, painting flowers, birds will become the dead specimens, landscape painting is also a lack of taste, there is no pictorial, I never touched, of course, can not move others.
目的 观察升降散加减治疗亚急性甲状腺炎热毒壅滞证的临床疗效.方法 将62例亚甲亚急性甲状腺炎热毒壅滞证患者随机分为治疗组31例、对照组31例,剔除脱落病例后治疗组22例、对
聚焦超声外科(focused ultrasound surgery,FUS)手术作为一种非侵入式的无创治疗手段正越来越多地应用于临床治疗,也被越来越多的患者所认可。聚焦超声外科(FUS)技术将体外超