1 “新”就是准备活动内容和场地布置的新颖 小学生的心理特征是注意力不能持久、喜新厌旧。根据这一特点,经常变换准备活动的内容,以及场地布置形式的新颖,来刺激学生大脑皮层相应中枢的兴奋,力求在课的开始之际就能引起学生的兴趣,吸引学生的注意力。2 “活”教法应力求灵活多样 根据小学生的心理特点,好奇心强,天真活泼。老师课上得越生动,学生学习的情绪越高涨,心情越愉快.教学的效果越显著。由此做到组织教法灵活多样,富有趣味性,使
1 “new” is to prepare activities and venue layout novel pupils psychological characteristics is that attention can not be sustained, hi new and tired of the old. According to this feature, the content of preparatory activities and the layout of the venue are frequently changed to stimulate the excitement of students’ corresponding cortical centers. At the beginning of the lesson, students are expected to arouse students’ interest and attract students’ attention. 2 “living” teaching method should strive to be flexible and diverse According to the psychological characteristics of primary school students, curiosity, naive and lively. The more vivid the teacher class, the more students’ emotions, the more happy they feel. The more obvious the teaching effect is. It is thus flexible and diverse teaching methods, so interesting