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12月,又到了辞旧迎新的时候。如果要为这一年的热议关键词作一个盘点,“健康”无疑会榜上有名——各种保健类书籍依然任图书热卖榜上居离不下,养生类话题亦渐渐成为电视节目的新宠。然而,任关注身体健康的同时,您是否忽略了更重要的一点呢?心理的健康同样重要!2010年10月10日,第19个世界精神卫生日将主题确立为“沟通理解关爱,心理和谐健康”——据了解,目前全世界的抑郁症患者大约为3~4亿,已成为世界第四大疾患……也许您会觉得:“这些离我很远,因为我心理健康,没有‘精神病’。”那么,您是否经常把“郁闷”一词挂在嘴边呢?是否时常因为压力大而感到焦虑呢?是否总会自觉不自觉地与别人进行攀比呢?其实这些都是心理亚健康的表现。它不仅影响我们的生理健康,更会钝化我们对幸福的感受力。普希金说:“幸福的特征就是心灵的平静。”这不是要求我们无欲无求,而是指一种健康、平衡的心态。惟其如此,面对生活中的缺失、婚姻中的不完美,我们才能用最完整的健康、最充实的快乐,拥有真正的“幸福感”。 In December, it was time for greetings and greetings. If you want to make an inventory of the hot keywords of this year, “Health ” will undoubtedly be on the list - all kinds of health books are still book hot books stand on the list, health topics have gradually become television programs The new darling However, when you focus on your health, have you overlooked the more important point? Mental health is just as important! On October 10, 2010, the 19th World Mental Health Day set the theme as “Communication, Comprehension and Care It is understood that there are about 300 million to 400 million people suffering from depression in the world so far and it has become the fourth largest disease in the world. Perhaps you may think: ”These are far from me because of my mental health, There is no ’mental illness’. “So, do you often talk about” depressed “? Are you often anxious because of stress? Do you always unconsciously compare with others? These are mental sub-health performance. It not only affects our physical health but also blunts our feeling of happiness. Pushkin said: ”The characteristic of happiness is the peace of mind.“ This is not asking us to have no desire and no desire, but to a healthy and balanced attitude. However, in the face of the lack of life, marriage, imperfection, we can use the most complete health, the most full of happiness, have a real ”happiness ".
有人爱喝绿茶,也有人爱喝奶茶,我们可以通过一个人对茶的嗜好来分析其个性和爱情观哟!下面几种茶中,哪种是你常常饮用的?A.绿茶B.红茶C.水果茶D.功夫茶E.奶茶测试结果: Some
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