
来源 :浙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Richie911
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基层文化建设是社会主义文化事业的基础,事关基层政权巩固、国民素质提高和社会文明进步,也是我省建设文化大省、提前基本实现现代化的重要内容。省委、省政府明确提出了我省基层文化建设的总体目标、主要任务和政策措施,全面部署了我省基层文化建设的工作。各级各部门要分解任务,分工负责,抓好落实。一是要抓好基层文化设施建设。省政府明确提出,到2005年,按照国家要求,基本完成市县群艺馆、图书馆、文化馆、体育场馆、青少年和老年活动场所,以及中心镇文化站的建设、改造任务;实现每个乡镇和街道都有文化站。城市社区和居民小区配套建有文化体育设施。各市、县(市、区)要结合本地实际,制定具体的基层文化设施建设计划。经济发达市、县要 The construction of the grassroots culture is the foundation of socialist cultural undertakings and relates to the consolidation of grassroots political power, the improvement of the quality of the people and the progress of social civilization. It is also an important part of our province in building a culturally important province and basically realizing modernization ahead of schedule. Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government clearly put forward the overall objectives, major tasks and policies and measures of the grassroots cultural construction in our province and fully deployed the work of grassroots cultural construction in our province. Departments at all levels to decompose the task, division of labor is responsible for doing a good job. First, we must do a good job at grass-roots cultural facilities. The provincial government made it clear that by 2005, in accordance with the requirements of the state, basically completing the construction and transformation of the cultural and art centers of cities and counties, libraries, cultural centers, stadiums, youth and the elderly, as well as the cultural center of the central town; the realization of each township And the streets have cultural stations. Urban community and residential area supporting the establishment of cultural and sports facilities. All cities and counties (cities and districts) should formulate plans for the construction of grassroots cultural facilities in light of local conditions. Developed cities, counties to
根据最新发表在《Cell Reports》的一篇论文中称,在肾脏中受伤的细胞可以通过Sox9基因被敲入的方式进入修复模式。Sanjeev Kumar医学博士是第一作者,他是南加州大学凯克医学
与人不求备,检身若不及。(《尚书·伊训》)  大意:对别人不能求全责备,对自己要严格约束唯恐不够。  题解:商代贤臣伊尹以此教导商王太甲。  过而不改,是谓过矣。(《论语·卫灵公》)  大意:有了过错但能及时改正,这个过错还不足以称为过错;但有错而不改,这个错误就真正是错误了。  题解:明人吕坤《呻吟语》亦言:“有过是一过,不肯认过,又是一过。”  法语之言,能无从乎?改之为贵。巽语之言,能无说乎
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