从‘95岁末直找到’96年初,我才终于和王心刚联系上。这不奇怪,因为赶上了电影诞辰100周年,他去参加一系列的庆典活动了。我只好眼巴巴地在荧屏上看他和许多影坛名人一道,一会儿捧个“中华影星”杯,一会儿抱个中国电影世纪奖,或者光荣地接受江泽民总书记的会见。作为一个世纪的总结,王心刚和他的同辈人,理所当然的是中国电影史上的一道风景线。 一月是北京最冷的时令。而王
From the end of ’95 to find the ’96 early, I finally contacted Wang Xin Gang. This is not surprising, because to catch up with the film’s 100th anniversary, he went to attend a series of celebrations. I had a hard time watching him on the screen with many celebrities in the film, holding a “Chinese movie star” cup for a while, holding a Chinese Movie Century Prize for a while, or gloriously accepting General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s meeting. As a century of summary, Wang Xin Gang and his contemporaries, of course, is a landscape in the history of Chinese cinema. January is the coldest seasonal time in Beijing. The king