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汽车、自行车等的轮子水平面上做只滚不滑的纯滚动时 ,轮子所受地面的静摩擦力做不做功 ,这一直是困扰高中物理教师的一个问题 .根据功的定义 ,力做功必须具备两个条件 :力和力的作用点在力的方向上的位移 .汽车在平面上做加速运动时 ,地面对车轮有静摩擦力作用 (如图 1 ) ,但 It is always a problem plaguing senior high school physics teachers that the static frictions of the wheels on the wheels do not work when the wheels on the wheels of automobiles, bicycles and the like are rolled only in a non-slip way. According to the definition of work, the work of force must have two A condition: the role of force and force point in the direction of the force displacement.Accelerating the plane in the plane to do when the ground has a static friction wheel (see Figure 1), but
在无偿献血血液检测项目中,丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)是献血者健康检查的必检项目之一,其检测正常值为赖氏法≤25U(卡门单位),连续检测法≤40 U/L,近年来我中心ALT检测不合格报废率一直