将大系统理论应用到电力系统区域性稳定控制中 ,提出了采用分层决策和分层控制的全网综合稳定控制系统 ,实现整个区域内各稳定控制装置间统一协调优化决策 ,达到区域性的最佳控制。该控制系统利用EMS获得的电网在线实时数据 ,进行在线自动计算、在线智能决策 ,对全网进行分层决策并分层控制 ,可以有效地实现自动计算、智能决策、全网优化和统一协调
The large-scale system theory is applied to the regional power system stability control. The whole network integrated and stable control system based on hierarchical decision-making and hierarchical control is proposed to realize the unified coordination and optimization decision among all the stable control devices in the whole region, Best control The control system makes use of online real-time data of power grid obtained by EMS to carry out on-line automatic calculation and online intelligent decision-making, and makes hierarchical decision-making and hierarchical control over the whole network, which can effectively realize automatic calculation, intelligent decision-making, whole network optimization and unified coordination