四川梓潼县人武部围绕今冬征兵工作的特点,认真剖析今年工作中所面临的问题,制定了切实可行的措施,对完成今年的征兵任务具有一定的针对性和指导性。 他们分析了当前征兵工作存在的主要问题:一是因价值观念发生变化,个人收入的高低越来越成为人们衡量职业优劣的标准,大批适龄青年纷纷外出打工,人口流动的数量、频率、范围扩大,增加了征兵
Focusing on the characteristics of the work of conscription in the winter this year, the Zhaotong County People’s Armed Police Department carefully analyzed the problems confronting this year’s work and worked out practicable measures, which are of certain relevance and guidance to the accomplishment of this year’s conscription mission. They analyzed the main problems in the current conscription work. First, as the values changed, the level of personal income became the standard for people to measure their merits. A large number of young people of working age went out to work one after another. The quantity, frequency and scope of population mobility Expand, increase conscription