水仙花(Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis Roem.)是深受我国人民喜爱的传统名花,一般都采用清水培养,使之开花,以供观赏。但清水培养常常出现植株徒长、茎叶细、易倒伏等问题。采用雕刻法进行艺术造型后,株型虽然优美,但由于部分贮藏养分被刻去,常造成营养不良、败花、烂根等不良后果。为了找到适用于家庭水仙花株型的改良剂,本文对PP333的生物学效应及生理机制进行了探讨。
Narcissus tazetta var. Chinensis Roem. Is a famous traditional flower that is deeply loved by our people. It is usually cultivated in clear water to bloom it for viewing. However, water cultivation often appear leggy plants, stems and leaves thin, easy to lodging and other issues. Carving method for artistic modeling, the plant type although beautiful, but part of the stored nutrients are carved, often resulting in malnutrition, spent flowers, rotten roots and other adverse consequences. In order to find a suitable modifier for family daffodils, this paper discussed the biological effects and physiological mechanisms of PP333.