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问:(广东佛山纺织工业学校 黄丽明) 我有下列四个问题请解答。(一)有一道选择题:①If you should meet Alice,your girl friend,please tell__________________about the special play we saw last night.A)him B)them C)us D)one 答案为 B),但我认为四个答案都不对,为什么要选B)呢? 答:这个句子有歧义,your girl friend可能是 Alice的同位语,也可能与Alice并列。如是前者,则应填以her;如是后者,则可选them,虽然 Alice后用逗号而不用and是不大规范的口语,再如:②There is a pen,a pencil in the pencil-box.(二)有这样一道选择题:My parents bought__________a new car several days ago.A)us B)ours C)ourselves D)them 答案为C),但我认为A)和D)在语法上都没错,为什么要选C)呢? Q: (Guangdong Foshan Textile Industry School Huang Liming) I have the following four questions to answer. (a) There is a multiple-choice question: 1If you should meet Alice,your girl friend, please tell__________________about the special play we saw last night.A)him B)them C)us D)one The answer is B), but I think four The answer is wrong. Why should you choose B)? A: The sentence is ambiguous. Your girl friend may be Alice’s apposition, or may be tied with Alice. If it is the former, you should fill in her; if it is the latter, you can select them, although Alice uses commas instead of and is not a normative spoken language, another example: 2There is a pen, a pencil in the pencil-box. b) There was a multiple choice question: My parents bought__________a new car several days ago.A) us B)ours C)ourselves D)them The answer is C), but I think that A) and D) are grammatically correct. Why? To choose C)?
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