一、合理进行职能分解(一)首先将部门的职能任务,分解为若干单元职能任务,再将单元职能任务分解成具体的职能任务。 (二)科学地界定和设置内部科室,按照内部机构编制数量和各自承担的工作性质,进行职能分解。 (三)从实际出发既参考上级业务主管部门的职能配置情况,以利于协调地开展工作,又不搞上下对口,生搬硬套。 (四)注意合理性,避免重复和交叉,在职能分解时各科室和各职位之间的职责尽量避免重复和交叉,避免出现工作上扯皮,推诿、责任不
First, the rational decomposition of functions (A) First, the department’s functional tasks, broken down into a number of unit functions and tasks, and then the unit functions and tasks into specific functional tasks. (II) Scientifically define and set up internal departments and departments, and disassemble the functions according to the number of internal organs and the nature of the work undertaken by them. (3) Starting from the reality, it not only refers to the functional allocation of competent departments at higher levels in order to facilitate work in a coordinated manner, but also does not make any contradictions from top to bottom and applies mechanically. (D) pay attention to the rationality, to avoid duplication and cross, in the functional decomposition of the duties between departments and positions try to avoid duplication and cross, to avoid passing on the job, pushing, the responsibility is not