’95世界妇女大会将在北京召开,这消息很使我们振奋。作为关注妇女题材的编导,我们立即想到要创作一部有点份量的影视片献给大会。倒不全是为了应景儿,赶热闹,而是深感中国妇女实在可歌可泣,向世界介绍中国妇女的典型形象,是我们责无旁贷的。 于是,我们想到了杨开慧。 杨开慧无疑是中国妇女的骄傲。毛泽东同志的“骄杨”两字,画龙点睛地概括了她美丽、傲岸和坚贞的风骨,也同时流露出老人家对她深深地敬重和眷恋。可惜由于众所周知的原因,除了那首《蝶恋花》发表时有过一句简单的注释而外,再也没有任何对她的介绍了。“四人帮”倒台后,有过一度“杨开慧热”,话剧、歌舞连台演出。但当时艺术观念上尚未摆脱“三突
’95 World Conference of Women will be held in Beijing, this news is very exciting for us. As a director of women’s issues, we immediately came up with the idea of creating a bit of video for the conference. It is our duty to introduce the typical images of Chinese women to the world by highlighting the true nature of Chinese women and making them feel epic. So, we think of Yang Kaihui. Yang Kaihui is undoubtedly the pride of Chinese women. Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s arrogant “Yang” epitomizes her beauty, pride and firmness, and at the same time shows the elderly people deeply respect and attachment to her. Unfortunately, for all the well-known reasons, there was no introduction to her except for a simple comment at the time of the publication “Butterfly Lovers”. After the fall of the “Gang of Four,” there was a “Yang Kaihui fever”, drama, singing and dancing and even performances. However, the concept of art was not yet out of "three sudden