“春愁难遣强看山,往事惊心泪欲潸。 四百万人同一哭,去年今日割台湾。” 这首以《春愁》为题的诗是我国近代著名的抗日复台将领、诗人、教育家丘逢甲在丧权割地的《马关条约》签订一周年时所写。 丘逢甲(1864—1912),号仓海,原籍广东蕉岭县。大约在清代乾隆年间,其曾祖父仕俊公始迁居台湾,成为当地望族。丘逢甲1864年12月26日生于台湾府苗粟县,他少小聪明,14岁中秀才,26岁中进士,并授职工部主事,却不乐仕途,返归台湾游幕和讲学。
“Spring Melancholy hard to look at the mountains, the past shocked tears. Four million people cry the same, cut Taiwan last year today.” This first “Spring Melancholy” poem is famous modern anti-Japanese generals, poets, Educator Qiu Fengjia wrote at the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, which ended in power. Qiu Fengjia (1864-1912), number warehouse, the origin of Jiaoling County, Guangdong. About Qianlong years of the Qing Dynasty, his great-grandfather Shi Jun began to move to Taiwan, becoming a local clan. Qiu Fengjia was born in Miaosu County, Taiwan Province on December 26, 1864. He was a little smart, a 14-year-old scholar, a 26-year-old Jinshi, and a principal of the Department of Staff and Staff.