The regularities of atmospheric corrosion of A3 steel deposited with different amountof NaCl exposed to the air containing 1ppm SO2 at 80% RH and 25℃ were studied inlaboratory. NaCl can accelerate the corrosion of A3 steel obviously under such con-dition. The relationship between the weight loss of A3 steel and the amount of NaCldeposition can be well described by using a quadratic function. Fourier transform in-frared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopyand electron dispersion X-ray analysis (SEM/EDAX) were used to characterize thecorrosion products. In the absence of NaCl, FeSO4 xH2O is the dominant corro-sion products, while Fe3O4, FeSO4@ H2O, β-FeOOH and γ-FeOOH dominate in thepresence of NaCl.