西班牙的共和政府雖然已被一部分反革命的舊軍閥所出賣,然而三十多個月來西班牙人民軍隊的英勇戰鬥,却永遠不會被人忘記。這種英勇戰鬥的精神,是從良好的政治訓練中得來的。本文作者是第十一國際縱隊總司令部的一個軍官,他關於西班牙人民軍中政治委員的工作,有着很具體的說明。本文原載於二月廿一日的New Masses週刊。
Although the republican government of Spain was already betrayed by some of the counterrevolutionary old warlords, the heroic battle of the Spanish people’s army for over 30 months has never been forgotten. This spirit of heroic fighting is derived from good political training. The author is an officer of the Commander-in-Chief of the 11th International Column and has very specific instructions on the work of the Political Committee of the Spanish People’s Army. This article was originally published in the New Masses issue on February 21.