筚路蓝缕,以启山林。抚有蛮夷,以属华夏。不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。——《左传》第一乐章中国农民梦的亚萍进行曲我有一个梦想,……我梦想有一天,这个国家会站立起来,真正实现其信条的真谛:我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的;人人生而平等。我梦想有一天,幽谷上升,高山下降,坎坷曲折之路成坦途,圣光披露,满照人间。……要成为一个伟大的国家,这个梦想必须实现。人们说20世纪大洋彼岸的美国,是马丁·路德·金神父基于奴隶解放与种族平等的《I have adream》的呼唤,激励了一代又一代美国
筚 blueprint to Kai forest. Fu barbarians to belong to China. Do not sound already, blockbuster. - “Zuozhuan” first movement chapter of the Chinese peasant dream Yaping march I have a dream, ... ... I have a dream that one day, this country will stand up and truly realize the true meaning of its creed: We think these truths are self-evident Everyone is born equal. I have a dream that one day, the valley rises, the mountain descends, the road is full of ups and downs, the holy light is disclosed, and the world is full. To be a great nation, this dream must come true. People say that the United States across the Atlantic in the 20th century was the call of Father Martin Luther King “I have adream” based on liberation of slaves and ethnic equality and inspired generations of the United States