倚窗而坐。我在想,我的晚景不错。 六十岁后,延迟离休到《装饰》编辑部工作了五年;离休之后,又两度连续返聘了三年;这之后,是依依惜别,象征业绩的一摞《装饰》合订本相赠;再往后,是列入按姓氏笔划为序的顾问名单之中。哲人有言,有比较才有鉴别。将今日的种种待遇,相对于我中年时期身处逆境的重重遭遇来说,我的晚景是不错的,相当地不错了。再说,与同龄的老人相比,我还有一双堪称矫健的好腿脚哩。于是,走着走着就到了《装饰》编辑部。于是,总要去看一看聊一聊。虽说并不能去为人分忧,倒也带去一份关爱。有时,竟下意识地又坐在我当年俯案的桌前,心里便默默地念叨着:这里曾是我喜欢的归宿,是我留恋的家园。
Leaning on the window and sitting. I was thinking, my night scene is good. After six years of age, he delayed his retirement to work in the editorial department of “decoration” for five years; after retiring, he returned to work for three years in succession for two consecutive years; after that, he was rewarded with a pile of “decorative” Further on, is the inclusion of a list of advisers, by the stroke order of the last name. Philosophers have words, there are more discriminating. With all kinds of treatment today, my evening scene is quite good compared to my middle age when I was in adversity. It was quite good. Besides, compared with the same age of the elderly, I still have a pair of good legs and legs called good health. So, walked to the “decoration” editorial department. So, always have a look chat chat. Although we can not share the worry about people, but also bring a love. Sometimes, unconsciously sitting in the table I was bent on the year, my heart will be silent about: here was my favorite destination, is my nostalgia home.