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1987年上半年,河南省梁洼矿务局生产急速滑坡,严重亏损,连开工资都很困难,人心涣散……就在这年7月,平顶山市委派赵运明到这个矿务局当局长了。赵运明一上任就换上工作服下井了。他是个行家。赵运明来梁洼以前,已在煤矿摸爬滚打了27年。1978年至1982年,他任平顶山矿务局五矿采煤一队队长时,该队创炮采先进水平,连续几年在全国处于先进行列。1982年升任五矿抓生产的副矿长。五年中,他又使该矿原煤产量上了五个台阶,从年产60万吨上升到140多万吨。应该说他是煤海弄潮人中的一员健将。8月12日,他主持召开干部大会,先做自我介绍说:我叫赵运明,是新来的局长,我来局六天,下了四班井,作了一些调查。今天和大家见见面,一起来分析研究梁洼矿务局的形势。应该承认我们面前有困难,但我们更有希 In the first half of 1987, the production of Liangwa Mining Bureau in Henan Province experienced a rapid decline in landslides with a serious loss. It was very difficult even to open salaries and the hearts and corners of the people were out of control. In July this year, Pingdingshan City commissioned Zhao Yunming to head the mining bureau. Zhao Yunming put on the work clothes to go down as soon as he took office. He is an expert Before Liang Yun, Zhao Yunming had already fought in the coal mines for 27 years. From 1978 to 1982, when he was the captain of the Minmetals coal mining team at Pingdingshan Mining Bureau, the team created an advanced level of artillery mining and was ranked among the advanced countries in the country for several years in a row. In 1982 was promoted to Minmetals grasping the production of deputy director. In five years, he again put the mine’s raw coal production on five steps, from an annual output of 600,000 tons to more than 1.4 million tons. He should be said that he is a member of the coal sea teaser. He presided over the cadre meeting on August 12, first introducing himself as himself. My name is Zhao Yunming. It is a new director. After six days in office, I made four surveys and conducted some investigations. Meet with you today to analyze the situation of Liangwa Mining Bureau. We should recognize the difficulties before us, but we are even more hopeful
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