英国Marks and Spence公司(简称M&S)是英国最大的零售业之一,波特五力模型在英国M&S公司中的应用,展示了M&S公司的供应商的议价能力、购买者的议价能力、新进入者的威胁、替代品的威胁和行业竞争者的竞争。通过对具有鲜明的个性和独特的风格英国M&S公司中的波特五力应用的借鉴,可以更好地帮助我们理性的看待市场,真正促进企业竞争力的不断提升。
British Marks and Spence (M & S) is one of the largest retailers in the United Kingdom. Porter’s Five Forces model used in M & S in the United Kingdom shows the bargaining power of M & S suppliers, the bargaining power of purchasers and new entrants The threat of alternatives, the threat of alternatives and the competition of industry competitors. By referring to Porter’s five forces in a distinctive style and unique style of M & S in the United Kingdom, we can better help us to view the market rationally and truly promote the continuous improvement of the competitiveness of enterprises.