Jack Welch said: “Plagiarism is legal because it advocates a spirit.” “The same is true of any successful business, going through a process of learning (imitation) to beyond (innovation). As early as the 70s of last century, the United States Xerox became the victim of Japanese copier wars, operating difficulties. Fortunately, ”New Xerox Movement“ has brought it back to life. The basic idea of this movement is that if an organization can learn best practices from its competitors or other businesses, it can also become the best organization. This method is benchmarking. According to the 2003 Bain & Company Global Competitiveness Report, benchmarking has become one of the most widely used management approaches. Happiness is the subject of the subject, not to find the shortcomings of opponents to defeat, but to learn from each other’s strengths. Discovering and finding a competitor that is strong enough to bring you competition, ”happy", is a worthwhile way for businesses to constantly improve their competitiveness in comparing themselves and their opponents.