脾脏是人体重要的免疫器官,脾切除术后患儿将终身伴随致命性感染的风险。已经报道的严重感染中,主要的病原是多糖荚膜细菌,其中肺炎链球菌、B型流感嗜血杆菌和脑膜炎奈瑟菌的比例超过1/2。脾切除术后凶险性感染(OPSI)于1952年被首次描述,其特点是症状典型、可能迅速发展为重型感染、50%的患者在48 h内死亡。尽管接受脾切除术的患儿术后感染致死率在全球范围内尚未明确,但某些在特定地域以人群为基础的研究结果或许可以给医学工作者一些提示。例如美国
Spleen is an important immune organ of the human body, splenectomy, children will be life-long with the risk of fatal infection. Among the severe infections that have been reported, the major causative agent is polysaccharide capsular bacteria, of which Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and Neisseria meningitidis account for more than a half. First described in 1952 as an OPSI, it is characterized by symptoms that can rapidly develop into a severe infection and 50% of patients die within 48 h. Although postoperative infection rates in children undergoing splenectomy are not yet known worldwide, some population-based findings in a particular geographic area may give some hints to medical professionals. For example, the United States