INTRODUCTION Recently, several examples of land-based geophysical field projects in the central Apennines of southern Italy have focused on several methods used by GIS for exploration. Examples illustrate the use of inexpensive, field-portable GIS instruments for survey planning, management and QC. From the point of view of fieldworking and the acquisition of high-quality seismic data, the successful acquisition of seismic data in the central Apennines of southern Italy is a well-known challenge. The Apennines runs through and forms the uplifted area of the Italian peninsula, with rugged terrain consisting mainly of the northeastern thrust and fold folds of the carbonate system of the Apennine platform. The complex terrain brings with it inconvenience for the construction crew’s operation and equipment handling, resulting in high seismic acquisition costs (eg, US $ 16,000 per km). In addition, the regional strata are highly calcified, including the bag