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黄河是中国第二大河,也是一条世界闻名的万里巨川。古代的黄河,被称为“河”或“大河”。汉高祖刘邦封爵誓词中道,“使黄河若带,泰山若砺。国以永宁,爰及苗裔”。自此便有了黄河之称谓,被后人沿用至今。黄河对中国的重要性自然无需赘言,她是养育了中华民族的“母亲河”。对济南,她的作用更为彰显。黄河水位很低时,济南的标志性泉水——趵突泉停喷;当黄河水位较高时,泉水复涌。由于黄河济南段是典型的弯曲型窄河段,是黄河下游防洪的重点堤段。 The Yellow River is China’s second largest river, is also a world-famous Miles Juchuan. The ancient Yellow River, known as “river ” or “river ”. Han emperor ancestor Liu Bang oath in the Road, “If the Yellow River belt, Taishan Roughness. The country to Yongning, 爰 and seedlings.” Since then there will be the title of the Yellow River, used by future generations so far. The importance of the Yellow River to China naturally needless to say, she is raising the Chinese nation, “Mother River.” To Jinan, her role is even more apparent. When the water level in the Yellow River is low, Jinan’s landmark spring, Baotu Spring, stops spraying. When the Yellow River water level is high, the spring floods. As the Yellow River in Jinan section is a typical curved narrow section of the Yellow River flood control is the key embankment.
发散思维是从一个基点出发,多方位、多层次地展开思维活动的方式,可使人们更全面、更完整的把握思维的性质、状态及规律.教学中如果能引导学生多角度观察问题和分析问题,可使他们纵横联系,扩展思维的空间,拓宽问题的思路.习题教学中注重一题多解的训练,是培养学生发散思维的好方法.  斜抛运动是生活中常见的运动,它的分解方式有两种,下面我们以一道典型的斜抛运动题目为例,讨论这道题的几种解法,帮助学生拓宽解题思路