尊敬的胡社长: 您好!请您接受一个素不相识人的问候。 我是浙江省宁海县食品厂刚刚上任才几天的厂长,一个食品行业的新兵——金建功。当我面对刚刚接手的处于停产状态的企业时,心里感到自己肩上担子沉重。想到我们的100多位兄弟姐妹,每月仅拿着100来元的生活费,艰难地维持着最低的生活水平时,心里有一种说不出的感觉。我们发誓要把企业搞出名堂来。正当我们为新产品开发、寻找合作伙伴而在十字路口徘徊时,看到了贵刊1997年第5期上刊登的您给山东省安丘尔商业(集团)公司刘副总的一封回信及你们的编者按。从中我们看到了希望,为我们商办工业企业有您这样一位好朋友而高兴,更为能有这样一份为企业办实事的刊物而自豪。为此,我十分冒昧地给您写信,希望您在百忙中抽出时间穿针引线,帮助企业走出困境。
Dear Hu President: Hello! Please accept greetings from a stranger. I am the director of the food factory in Ninghai County, Zhejiang Province, who just took office a few days ago, and a freshman in the food industry—Jin Jiangong. When I faced the company that had just taken over and stopped production, I felt my shoulders were heavy. When we think of our more than 100 siblings, who only hold a living allowance of 100 yuan per month and struggle to maintain the lowest standard of living, there is an indescribable feeling in my heart. We vowed to make a name for the company. While we were at the crossroads for the development of new products and finding partners, we saw a reply from your 1997 issue of the 5th issue of your magazine to the Deputy General Manager Liu of the Anqiu Commercial (Group) Company of Shandong Province and yours. Editor’s note. From the above, we have seen hope that we are happy to have such a good friend as you are in the business industry. We are even more proud to have such a publication for companies to do practical work. To this end, I am very predinious to write to you, hope that you take the time to go through the needle in the busy schedule to help companies out of trouble.