The end of last year, I am familiar with the general manager of a state-owned enterprises due to serious business losses and offered to leave. The general manager put forward the following three reasons for the direct resignation: First, the company was seriously delinquent by its customers. Over the years, the accumulated arrears amounted to 80 million yuan, accounting for 50% of the company's liquidity. Of these, more than one year's arrears Models account for 30% of working capital. To this end the company had to send nearly a third of the staff to recover the arrears, with little success. Payroll can not be issued by the end of the year, and workers complain. Second, due to concerns about continued customer defaults, the company started from the beginning of last year to strictly stipulate that the business department should only sell the cash. As a result, the sales performance declined, the backlog of inventory could not repay the bank loan in time, and even the guarantor was involved and the bank was sued. The general manager Unaccompanied by the guarantor of the parent company. Third, the company was not in a deal in September last year