
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fwj108580853
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时常流行的一句话叫“自家端公扛不了自家的神”。意思大概是比如医生医不了自己的病,剃头师剃不了自己的发,教师教不了自己的子女。其实,作为教师,不乏有教育子女成才的优秀事例,这里不用多说。而笔者看到,身边有不少教师子女反倒厌学、逃学的实例,这不能不引人深思。我们不能简单地对待这个问题。用一句“某老师忙于工作,连子女学习都耽误了”的话解释,我认为,一则是托辞:大爱平等,众生平等,难道自家子女就不是学生吗?别人家的孩子都能教 Often popular phrase called “self-owned public can not carry their own gods.” The meaning is probably such as doctors can not cure their own illness, shaved head division can not shave their hair, the teacher can not teach their children. In fact, as teachers, there are many outstanding examples of children’s education, needless to say here. However, I have seen many teachers around their children, in fact, tired of learning, truancy example, which can not be thought-provoking. We can not treat this problem simply. With one sentence, “a teacher busy with work, even children learn to delay”, then explained, I think one is an excuse: love is equal, equality of beings, is their own children is not a student? The children of other people can teach
摘 要:高职生心理健康的影响因素是多方面的,家庭教育对高职生的成长所起到的作用是不容忽视的。本文对高职生家庭教育模式对其心理的影响进行了分析,认为高职院校心理健康教育应重点关注高职生的家庭教育,并提出了实现这种关注的高职院校家庭心理健康教育模式。   关键词:高职生;家庭教育;教养方式;教育理念   一、高职生心理健康现状   1.心理调适能力差,自我定位不客观   入学前学生都对大学生活充满