在全球框架下,由世界贸易组织(以下简称WTO)主导的多哈回合谈判自陷入僵局以来,WTO各主要发达成员纷纷转向双边/诸边自贸区协定(Free Trade Agreement,以下简称FTA)1谈判,或通过小范围与周边国家和地区建立区域经济合作模式,以期实现在WTO多边机制中无法实现的利益诉求。伴随着美欧相继爆发金融危机,美国作为全球经济贸易一体化的推动者,放弃了困难重重的WTO
Under the global framework, since the Doha Round negotiations dominated by the World Trade Organization (WTO) have entered a stalemate, all major WTO members have turned to the negotiation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) 1 Or establish a mode of regional economic cooperation with neighboring countries and regions through a small area with a view to realizing the interest demands that can not be realized in the multilateral mechanism of WTO. With the successive financial crisis in the United States and Europe, the United States, as a promoter of global economic and trade integration, has given up the difficult WTO