会阴切开缝合术是产科最常进行的一种手术,适用于会阴过紧、胎儿窘迫或用手术产时防止严重的阴道裂伤等,因此对此术的探讨有一定的实用价值。现产科常用会阴中侧切及正中切开术各有利弊,为了扬长避短,我们自1989年1月~1990年12月,对341例产妇(其中自然分娩305例,胎吸29例,产钳2例,臀位助产5例,最大婴儿体重4700g,巨大儿5例)采用会阴体部斜切口,均收到良好效果。 一、方法 1.体位与麻醉 取膀胱截石位,作阴部
Perineal incision suture is the most common obstetric surgery, suitable for perineal tightening, fetal distress or surgery to prevent severe vaginal laceration, etc. Therefore, the exploration of this technique has some practical value. Current obstetric common midline incision and mid-incision have their own advantages and disadvantages, in order to avoid weaknesses, we from January 1989 to December 1990, 341 cases of maternal (including 305 cases of natural childbirth, 29 cases of fetal suction forceps in 2 cases, Breech midwifery in 5 cases, the largest infant weight 4700g, 5 cases of giant children) using the perineal body oblique incision, have received good results. First, the method 1. Position and anesthesia to take bladder lithotomy position, for the genitals