编辑同志: 我是一个十分喜爱贵刊的读者,每期中的每篇文章几乎都看。在喜爱之余,也感觉得贵刊的刊名似乎有些缺欠,现不揣冒昧提出来,供参考。“通讯”属新闻体裁,是新闻报道的一种形式。而贵刊自创刊以来就是以财会理论和财会实践为主要内容的,许多文章在专业理论上是高水平的,已在国内会计界享有盛誉,使用《财会通讯》做刊名,显然同内容不符。如果是一个不熟悉贵刊的人,仅从刊名上看,会误认为贵刊是一个“非正式”的刊物。因此,不论从内容
Editor’s Comrade: I am a very favorite readers, each article in almost every period. In addition to his favorite, but also feel the title of your magazine seems to be some shortcomings, it is not speculation put forward for reference. Newsletter is a genre of news, a form of news coverage. However, since the foundation of your magazine, we have mainly regarded the accounting theory and the accounting practice as the main content. Many articles are highly professional in theory and have enjoyed a good reputation in the domestic accounting circles. . If you are a person who is not familiar with your publication, you can mistakenly think that your publication is an “unofficial” publication merely from the title. So, from the content