
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tsuiyoung
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铁道游击战是在艰苦卓绝的八年抗战中,共产党领导敌后军民开展形式多样的游击战战法之一,在广阔的敌后铁道沿线,出其不意地打击敌人,零打碎敲地消灭敌人,极大地牵制、消耗了敌人实力。鲁南铁道队就是这种战法的典型代表,他们以微山湖为依托,打洋行,截火车,破铁道,炸桥梁,搞情报,捉汉奸,护送干部过路,其传奇般的英雄事迹,在抗日战争史上独树一帜。鲁南铁道队是战斗在峄枣、临枣铁路支线以及津浦铁路兖徐段的一支特殊的抗日武装,1940年1月 In the arduous and painstaking eight-year war of resistance against Japan, the Communist Party led the enemy and the armed forces in launching various forms of guerrilla warfare. Along the vast railway behind enemy lines, they attacked the enemy by surprise and smashed them to destroy the enemy. . Lunnan Railway Team is a typical representative of this tactic. They relied on Weishan Lake to fight foreign banks, cut off train lines, break railway tracks, explode bridges, engage intelligence, arrest traitors and escort cadres. Its legendary heroic deeds, In the history of the War of Resistance Against Japan is unique. Lunan Railway Team is fighting in the jujube, Linzao railway extension and Yanpu Xuzhou section of a special anti-Japanese armed, January 1940
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