用好收费还贷政策 加快公路建设步伐

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襄樊地处鄂西北,居汉水中游,扼鄂、豫、川、陕要冲,素有“南船北马、七省通衢”誉称。过去,境内能通车的公路不多,而且标准低、路况差,“晴天三尺土,雨后满路泥”是对境内仅有公路交通的真实写照。随着改革开放的不断深化,公路等级低、路况差,通而不畅远远适应不了机动车保有量和客、货运输迅猛增长的需要。1984年,国家作出了“贷款修路,收费还贷”重大决策后,这一矛盾才逐渐缓解。八五期间,该市公路养建投入资金共计5.04498 Xiangfan is located in the northwest of Hubei Province, Habitat Han River middle stream, short Ezhou, Henan, Sichuan, Shaanxi to red, known as “South Ship North Horse, thoroughfare of seven provinces,” said. In the past, there were not many roads open to traffic in the Mainland, and the standards were low and the road conditions were poor. “Three-footed soil and full of mud after rain” is a true portrayal of the only road traffic in the territory. With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, low grade roads, poor road conditions and poor transportation can not meet the needs of motor vehicle ownership and the rapid growth of passenger and freight transportation. In 1984, the state made a “loan repairing roads, charging repayments” major policy decisions, this contradiction has gradually eased. During the Eighth Five-Year Plan period, a total of 5.04498 yuan will be invested in highway construction in the city
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9月22日,由中国作家出版集团、全国文学报刊联盟主办的全国文学报刊联盟会员大会在武汉召开。中国作家出版集团管委会副主任、全国文学报刊联盟秘书处秘书长徐忠志和《人民文学》《十月》《当代》《收获》《诗刊》等近百家文学报刊的社长、主编参加会议,会议由全国文学报刊联盟理事长单位《人民文学》副主编徐坤主持。 23日,由联盟主办的全国文学期刊主编论坛,以“文学理想与理想的文学期刊”为主题进行了深入研讨,中国作
啊,太复杂了。  不过,所谓现实,就是这么回事儿。  人生现实,就是“面对”——你面对你,时时刻刻,不离不弃;我面对我,是我一个人的世界,从未如此安全;你面对我,我是多么盼望春暖花开,花开遍地,遍地熏风,世界完美如水晶;我面对你,你也不再孤单,我们彼此取暖。  不过,人生现实,也有另一个侧面——你面对你,忽而自我厌弃;我面对我,惶恐不已;你面对我,谎话连篇;我面对你,诡谲难辨。  面对,也有可能是
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