
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyxxzh
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一、工业经济飞速发展,整体实力显著增强建国55年来,河北工业从无到有,从小到大,经济实力显著增强。2003年,全省全部工业企业完成增加值3212.96亿元.比1952年增长243倍,年均增长11.6%。2003年,规模以上工业增加值居全国第6位。工业增加值比1978年增长17.9倍,年均增长12.5%。工业产品产量迅猛增长,许多产品现在一天的生产量相当于1949年全年的生产量。许多重要工业产品产量从无到有,填补了空白。生铁、钢、铁矿石成品矿、 First, the rapid development of industrial economy, the overall strength was significantly enhanced 55 years after the founding of the PRC, Hebei industry from scratch, from small to large, significantly increased economic strength. In 2003, all industrial enterprises in the province completed an added value of 321.296 billion yuan, an increase of 243 times that of 1952 with an average annual increase of 11.6%. In 2003, the above-scale industrial added value ranks the sixth in the country. Industrial added value increased by 17.9 times over 1978, with an average annual increase of 12.5%. The output of industrial products has been growing rapidly, and the output of many products now stands at the equivalent of the entire 1949 production. The output of many important industrial products has grown from nothing to fill the gap. Pig iron, steel, iron ore finished mines,
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因式分解是初中数学的重要内容之一.常见的方法有提取公因式法、公式法、分组分解法等.除了这些方法,另外还有一些特殊的方法.下面分别举例介绍,供同学们学习时参考. Facto
多项式的因式分解是代数式恒等变形的重要内容,它与学习分式有着密切的联系.为帮助同学们学好这一章的内容,笔者谈以下几点供同学们在复习时参考. The factorization of po