【目的】统计并分析Ei Compendex数据库收录中国科技期刊的情况,为中文科技期刊争取EI收录提供数据支撑。【方法】统计了EI历年来收录中国科技期刊的数量,并以2016年收录数据为例,分析了EI新增收录和终止收录的中文科技期刊的特点。【结果】EI优先收录出版语言为英文的期刊,近年来对中文科技期刊的收录数量逐年紧缩;EI仅收录在学科领域内期刊综合评价指标排名稳定且进入前3%的期刊,排名前5%以后的期刊很难被EI收录,除非所刊载文章为EI感兴趣的新兴学科领域;期刊被其他重要数据库收录的情况也是EI重点考虑的因素之一。【结论】EI近年来收紧了对科技期刊的收录,中文期刊争取进入EI收录的难度将不断加大,办出期刊学科特色、提高核心竞争力才是期刊立足之根本。
【Objective】 Statistics and analysis of the Ei Compendex database included in the case of Chinese sci-tech periodicals and provided data support for Chinese sci-tech periodicals to bid for EI. 【Method】 The statistics collected the number of Chinese sci-tech periodicals collected by EI over the years and took the data collected in 2016 as an example to analyze the characteristics of Chinese sci-tech periodicals that EI newly included and terminated. 【Results】 EI included journals with English as the priority, the number of Chinese sci-tech periodicals in recent years was tightened year by year; EI only included journals ranked in the top 3% Future journals are hard to be indexed by EI unless published articles are emerging subject areas of EI interest and journals are listed in other key databases as one of the EI’s key considerations. 【Conclusion】 In recent years, EI has tightened its inclusion of sci-tech periodicals. It is more and more difficult for Chinese periodicals to enter EI collection. It is the fundamental basis for periodicals to run journals and improve their core competence.