天仙子 ,又名莨菪子。本草载其“能解痉、止痛、定痫、平喘、止泻、外敷痈肿恶疮”。笔者用其外敷治疗某些骨外科杂症 ,收到了良好的效果。用法 :视病情及患处大小 ,取天仙子适量 ,开水冲调搅拌 ,使成粘糊状 ,待稍冷摊成面饼状敷于患处 ,绷带固定。夏天 1~ 2 d一换 ,冬天则 3
Fairy child, also known as dumplings. The book contains “can relieve spasm, relieve pain, stabilize seizures, relieve asthma, stop diarrhea, and apply carbuncle and sores”. The author used his external application to treat certain bone surgery miscellaneous diseases and received good results. Usage: depending on the condition and the size of the affected area, take appropriate amount of angels, and mix with boiled water to make a sticky paste. Spread it to the surface of the affected area with a cold cake and fix it with a bandage. 1 to 2 d in summer, 3 in winter