距今恰好七十年前,上海滩上曾发生过一起因鲁迅在日本发表文章而引发的文坛公案。公案的当事人,一方为尽人皆知的鲁迅,另一方为鲜为人知的邵洵美以及据说现今仍然在世的章克标老先生。这起公案,是围绕当时的《人言》周刊展开的,故我们不妨称之为“《人言》事件”。 “《人言》事件”回放 1934年2月,鲁迅应日本《改造》杂志社社长山本实彦之约,用日文写了《火》、《王道》、《监狱》这一组短文(后收入《且介亭杂文》时改题为《关于中国的两三件事》),当年3月号的《改造》杂志如约刊登了这三篇短文。话分两头,且说当时上海有
It was exactly 70 years ago that there had been a literary act in public in Shanghai on the beach when Lu Xun published an article in Japan. On the one hand, the public is known as Lu Xun, the other is Shao Mi Mei, who is not yet known, and Mr. Zhang Kebiao, who is still alive today. The case was started around the then-quotations Weekly Human Rights Weekly, so we might as well call it the “human speech” incident. In February 1934, Lu Xun wrote an essay in Japanese on “Fire,” “Wangdao,” and “Prisons.” In the Japanese language, Lu Xun wrote an essay entitled “ The article titled ”Two and Three Things About China“ was replaced with ”The Kiting Pavilion Essay.“) The March issue of ”Reform" magazine published these three essays as an appointment. If the words divided into two, and said there was Shanghai