2014年3—5月海南省罗非鱼主养区多个养殖场发生爆发性疾病,从患病尼罗罗非鱼不同组织中分离获得12株优势菌。经人工回归感染试验,从肝脏和脑中分离获得的HN-G-03和HN-B-02菌株具较强的致病力,HN-G-03和HN-B-02菌株对罗非鱼的的半致死密度分别为7.12×105cfu/尾和1.32×105cfu/尾。经16S rRNA和gyr B基因序列分析,同时结合细菌的形态学特征、生理生化特征,菌株HN-G-03和HN-B-02分别被鉴定为维氏气单胞菌的维氏生物型和温和生物型。体外药物药敏试验结果显示,两株菌均对左氧氟沙星、强力霉素、氟苯尼考、恩诺沙星、庆大霉素等5种药物高度敏感,对呋喃妥因等3种药物中度敏感,对青霉素等12种药物较强耐药。
From March to May 2014, explosive diseases occurred in several farms of Hainan tilapia host area, and 12 dominant bacteria were isolated from different tissues of infected Nile tilapia. HN-G-03 and HN-B-02 isolates obtained from liver and brain were highly virulent by artificial retrograde infection test. The virulence of HN-G-03 and HN-B-02 isolates to tilapia The lethal density was 7.12 × 105 cfu / tail and 1.32 × 105 cfu / tail, respectively. The 16S rRNA and gyr B gene sequence analysis, combined with the morphological characteristics of bacteria, physiological and biochemical characteristics of strains HN-G-03 and HN-B-02 were identified as Vibrio aeruginosa Vickers biological type and Gentle biological type. In vitro drug susceptibility test results showed that the two strains were highly sensitive to levofloxacin, doxycycline, florfenicol, enrofloxacin, gentamicin and other five kinds of drugs highly sensitive to nitrofurantoin and other three kinds of drugs moderately sensitive, 12 kinds of drugs such as penicillin strong resistance.