奈特·阿奇博尔德的身高虽然只有1.85米,但他却是当时NBA历史上唯一能在一个赛季中包揽得分王和助攻王两项殊荣的球员。当人们对他所取得的成就惊羡不已时,也为他颇为坎坷的人生经历所感动。在通往篮球名人堂的道路上,风雨飘摇,阿奇博尔德几乎尝遍了人世的酸甜苦辣。从贫民窟一路拼杀,历经14年NBA征战,最终跻身于传世球星之列,这其中的辛酸百味,恐怕只有他自己心里清楚。 阿奇博尔德的篮球生涯可谓一波三折。尽管他自幼就表现出良好的球感和天赋,但赢弱的身体和羞涩内向的性情,使他在赛场上总是缺乏自信。中学时代,阿奇博尔德曾因身高太低(1.70米)而被排斥在校队之外,人们对这个整天泡在篮球场上的矮小子充满鄙夷和轻蔑,这或许正是他产生自卑心理的根源之一。后来,当地一位
Knight Archibald though only 1.85 meters tall, but he was the only player in the history of NBA can take the scoring and assists in a season two players. When people are amazed at what he has accomplished, he is touched by his rather bumpy life experience. On the road to the Basketball Hall of Fame, precarious, Archibald almost taste the joys and sorrows of life. Fighting all the way from the slums, after 14 years of NBA expedition, and eventually among the ranks of world-class stars, of which the bitter, I am afraid only his own heart clear. Archibald’s basketball career can be described as twists and turns. Although he showed a good sense of the ball and talent since childhood, but the weak body and introverted temperament, so he always lack confidence in the game. In high school, Archibald was excluded from the school team because of his height too low (1.70 meters), contemptuous and contemptuous of the dwarf who blew all day on the basketball court, One of the root causes of inferiority. Later, a local one