一、集镇的地理环境概况 保山市蒲缥镇,位于保山市境南部,距保山市城区32公里,320国道横穿而过,是蒲缥镇政治、经济、文化中心,是通往德宏、怒江、龙陵、腾冲等地的交通要塞。全镇国土面积252平方公里,有耕地面积48666亩,具有亚热带和温带多种气候类型。年降雨量890—1200毫米,为保山市粮食、烤烟、甘蔗的主产区之一。1996年底,全镇的总人口为41346人,全镇辖18个办事处,126个自然村,200个农业生产合作社,24个镇直辖机关单位,6个地市直单位。蒲缥镇党委、政府为了在2010年实现全镇城乡一体,乡村城市化的宏伟目标,有计划、有步骤地进行了旧村改造的伟大实践。
I. Overview of Geographical Environment of Township Pu Town, Baoshan City is located in the southern part of Baoshan City, 32 kilometers away from the urban area of Baoshan City and 320 National Road. It is the political, economic and cultural center of Pucheng Town, Nujiang, Longling, Tengchong and other traffic jams. The town covers an area of 252 square kilometers, with arable land of 48666 acres, with subtropical and temperate climate types. Annual rainfall 890-1200 mm, Baoshan City, grain, tobacco, sugar cane one of the main producing areas. By the end of 1996, the town’s total population of 41346 people, the town administer 18 offices, 126 villages, 200 agricultural cooperatives, 24 towns directly under the central government agencies, 6 cities directly under the unit. In order to achieve the grand goal of urban and rural integration and rural urbanization in 2010, the party committee and government of Pu 缥 town have carried out the great practice of rebuilding old villages in a planned and systematic manner in 2010.