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数学学习理论固然重要,但是动手实践、和同学之间进行交流合作同样不可忽略。教师要发挥主导作用,处理好讲授与学生自主学习的关系,引导学生独立思考、主动探索、合作交流,使学生用科学的数学思想来学习数学、学习交流和合作。在这一理念的指导下,我们必须要积极培养学生在数学课堂上的交流合作能力。一、创造交流合作的氛围俗话说:严师出高徒。在传统教学模式下,教师都是作为一个严格的教师形象来呈现的。在新课改下,我们应该积极改变这个局面,把课堂创设 Although mathematics learning theory is important, hands-on practice and exchange and cooperation with classmates can not be ignored either. Teachers should play a leading role in dealing with the relationship between teaching and students’ autonomous learning, guide their students to think independently, take the initiative to explore, cooperate and exchange ideas, enable students to learn math, learn and exchange and cooperate with scientific mathematical ideas. Under the guidance of this concept, we must actively develop students’ abilities to exchange and cooperate in math class. First, to create an atmosphere of exchange and cooperation As the saying goes: Master Yan out of high disciples. In the traditional teaching mode, teachers are presented as a strict teacher image. In the new curriculum reform, we should actively change the situation, the classroom creation