
来源 :齐鲁护理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:raylet
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目的:探讨难治性肺结核患者的日常自我管理水平与个体因素的相关性,为提高患者自我管理行为能力而采取护理干预措施提供理论依据。方法:采用便利抽样方法,选取2014年5月~2015年7月在结防所就诊已确诊为难治性肺结核患者68例,采用自行设计的“难治性肺结核患者基本情况调查表”以及“日常自我管理水平评价表”进行问卷调查。结果:难治性肺结核患者的日常自我管理水平偏低,有31例(45.59%)处于差水平状态,八个维系得分排序中以饮食营养、合理休息、生活习惯、定期复查较前,而运动休闲、心理调节、消毒隔离、遵医用药较后,其中心理调节、消毒隔离两项最低;日常自我管理水平受个体因素如年龄、文化层次、家庭模式、居住地域等6方面因素的影响(P<0.01)。结论:加强患者日常自我管理很有必要,不同个体需采取不同的健康教育活动,促使患者自觉采纳有益于自我健康及他人健康的行为,减少传染病的传播,促进全民健康。 Objective: To explore the correlation between daily self-management level and individual factors in patients with refractory pulmonary tuberculosis and to provide theoretical basis for nursing interventions to improve self-management ability of patients. Methods: Convenient sampling method was used to select 68 patients diagnosed as refractory tuberculosis from July 2014 to July 2015 in our department of prevention and treatment. The self-designed “Questionnaire about the basic situation of patients with refractory pulmonary tuberculosis” and “ ”Daily self-management level evaluation form " questionnaire. Results: The daily self-management level of patients with refractory pulmonary tuberculosis was low, with 31 cases (45.59%) being in poor level. The eight maintenance scores ranked in order of diet nutrition, reasonable rest, living habits and regular review before exercise. The level of daily self-management is influenced by six factors such as age, level of culture, family mode, living area, etc. (P <0.01). Conclusion: It is necessary to strengthen daily self-management of patients. Different individuals need to take different health education activities to encourage patients to consciously adopt behavior beneficial to self-health and others’ health, reduce the spread of infectious diseases and promote universal health.
问题对于课堂教学具有核心价值。一堂数学课要使学生获得生长,离不开合理、优秀的问题设计。笔者在日常教学的问题设计与实施中,发现普遍存在以下两个突出问题:一是问题设计没有核心,问题细碎,不利于目标达成。二是问题设计不够灵活开放,达不到动态生成的效果,导致学生的思维无法深入。而这些也成为判定教师教学能力高低和课堂教学效果是否有效的重要因素之一。  一、问题设计要突显核心性  课堂的教学时间是有限的,要让