产权这个词,过去我们比较陌生,没有几年已几乎成为一个通常用语。然而,究竟什么是产权,怎样理解“产权清晰”,在改革中应该把它放在什么地位,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。由于这一问题涉及到国有企业的改革,这里谈一点个人的看法,希望得到同志们的教正。 一、什么是产权 财产关系尤其是生产资料所有制关系,是一种最基本的社会经济关系。人们要生存,就必须生产,而要生产,就必须掌握一定的生产资料,并且以一定的方式结合起来共
The term “property rights” has been relatively unfamiliar to us in the past. Not a few years have almost become a common term. However, what exactly is property rights and how to understand “clear property rights” should put it in a position of reform, and there are many opinions and opinions. Since this issue involves the reform of state-owned enterprises, here we talk about personal views and hope to get comrades’ teachings. First, what is property rights? Property relations, especially the ownership of production materials, is a basic social and economic relationship. If people want to survive, they must produce, and if they want to produce, they must master certain means of production and combine them in a certain way.