Japan’s insurance industry originated in the Meiji Restoration era. It developed rapidly from the 1960s to the 1970s. The insurance premiums and total assets of the life insurance industry and the property insurance industry in the 1980s are already in the leading position in the world. However, in the 1990s, Japan’s economic bubble burst and insurance liberalization had a huge impact and serious impact on the Japanese insurance industry. Nine major insurance companies went bankrupt one after another, and the Japanese insurance industry underwent a series of major reforms and mergers and acquisitions until the 21st century At first, Japan’s insurance industry gradually out of the shadow of the crisis. In general, the Japanese insurance industry has experienced a boom and a boom, and it has also been hit by the economic bubble and the liberalization of insurance policies. After the crisis, the reform has been implemented with some success. China’s insurance industry can learn from Japan in the context of the current liberalization trend and the capital-driven debt development model.